Excel Functions

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FunctionMin. VersionDescriptionArguments
ANDExcel 2003Test multiple conditions with ANDlogical1 logical2 ...
FALSEExcel 2003Generate the logical value FALSE
IFExcel 2003Conditional logic testlogical_test value_if_true value_if_false
IFERRORExcel 2003Return value if no error, else alternate valuevalue value_if_error
IFNAExcel 2013Return value if not #N/A errorvalue value_if_na
IFSExcel 2019Checks multiple conditions and returns a valuecondition1 value1 condition2, value2 ...
NOTExcel 2003Invert logical valuelogical
ORExcel 2003Test multiple conditions with ORlogical1 logical2 ...
SWITCHExcel 2016Evaluate expressions against list of valuesexpression value1 result1 value2, result2 ... default
TRUEExcel 2003Generate the logical value TRUE
XORExcel 2013Exclusive OR of all argumentslogical1 logical2 ...
DATEExcel 2003Create a date with year, month, and dayyear month day
DATEDIFExcel 2003Calculate the difference between two datesstart_date end_date unit
DATEVALUEExcel 2003Converts a date in text to a serial numberdate_text
DAYExcel 2003Returns the day of a date, represented by a serial numberserial_number
DAYSExcel 2013Calculates the number of days between two datesend_date start_date
DAYS360Excel 2003Calculates the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day yearstart_date end_date method
EDATEExcel 2003Adds a specified number of months to a datestart_date months
EOMONTHExcel 2003Returns the last day of the month after adding a specified number of monthsstart_date months
HOURExcel 2003Converts a serial number to an hourserial_number
ISOWEEKNUMExcel 2013Returns the ISO week number of the year for a given datedate
MINUTEExcel 2003Converts a serial number to a minuteserial_number
MONTHExcel 2003Converts a serial number to a monthserial_number
NETWORKDAYSExcel 2003Calculates the number of whole workdays between two datesstart_date end_date holidays
NETWORKDAYS.INTLExcel 2010Calculates the number of whole workdays between two dates with custom weekend parametersstart_date end_date weekend holidays
NOWExcel 2003Returns the current date and time
SECONDExcel 2003Returns seconds from a time valueserial_number
TIMEExcel 2003Creates a time from hour, minute, and secondhour minute second
TIMEVALUEExcel 2003Converts a time in text to a serial numbertime_text
TODAYExcel 2003Returns the current date
WEEKDAYExcel 2003Returns the day of the week for a dateserial_number return_type
WEEKNUMExcel 2003Returns the week number for a dateserial_number return_type
WORKDAYExcel 2003Returns the date before or after a specified number of workdaysstart_date days holidays
WORKDAY.INTLExcel 2010Returns the date before or after a specified number of workdays with custom weekend parametersstart_date days weekend holidays
YEARExcel 2003Returns the year from a date valueserial_number
YEARFRACExcel 2003Calculates the fraction of the year between two datesstart_date end_date basis
ADDRESSExcel 2003Returns a cell reference as textrow_num column_num abs_num a1 sheet_text
AREASExcel 2003Returns the number of areas in a referencereference
CHOOSEExcel 2003Chooses a value from a list of valuesindex_num value1 value2 ...
CHOOSECOLSExcel 365Extracts specified columns from an arrayarray col_num1 col_num2 ...
CHOOSEROWSExcel 365Extracts specified rows from an arrayarray row_num1 row_num2 ...
COLUMNExcel 2003Returns the column number of a referencereference
COLUMNSExcel 2003Returns the number of columns in a referencearray
DROPExcel 365Excludes rows or columns from an array's start or endarray rows columns
EXPANDExcel 365Alters array size to specific row and column dimensionsarray rows columns pad_with
FIELDVALUEExcel 365Returns value from a record in a data setvalue field_name
FILTERExcel 365Filters array using a Boolean (True/False) criteriaarray include if_empty
FORMULATEXTExcel 2013Returns a formula as a stringreference
GETPIVOTDATAExcel 2003Returns data stored in a PivotTabledata_field pivot_table [field1, item1] ...
HLOOKUPExcel 2003Searches for a value in the top row and returns a value in the same columnlookup_value table_array row_index_num range_lookup
HSTACKExcel 365Combines arrays horizontally into a larger arrayarray1 array2 ...
HYPERLINKExcel 2003Creates a shortcut or jump to another locationlink_location friendly_name
INDEXExcel 2003Uses an index to choose a value from a reference or arrayarray row_num col_num area_num
INDIRECTExcel 2003Returns a reference indicated by a text valueref_text a1
LOOKUPExcel 2003Looks up values in a vector or arraylookup_value lookup_vector result_vector
MATCHExcel 2003Searches for a value in an array and returns the relative positionlookup_value lookup_array match_type
OFFSETExcel 2003Returns a reference offset from a given starting pointreference rows cols height width
ROWExcel 2003Returns the row number of a referencereference
ROWSExcel 2003Returns the number of rows in a referencearray
SORTExcel 365Sorts array elements in specified order and shapearray sort_index sort_order by_col
SORTBYExcel 365Sorts an array based on values in a corresponding rangearray by_array1 sort_order1 by_array2 sort_order2 ...
TAKEExcel 365Returns specified contiguous rows or columns from an arrayarray rows columns
TOCOLExcel 365Converts an array into a single-column arrayarray ignore scan_by_column
TOROWExcel 365Converts an array to a single row arrayarray ignore scan_by_column
TRANSPOSEExcel 2003Transposes the rows and columns of an arrayarray
UNIQUEExcel 365Extracts unique values from a specified arrayarray by_col exactly_once
VLOOKUPExcel 2003Looks up a value in a table by matching on the first columnlookup_value array col_index range_lookup
VSTACKExcel 365Vertically combines multiple arrays into onearray1 array2 ...
WRAPCOLSExcel 365Wraps row/column values by columns after a specified countvector wrap_count pad_with
WRAPROWSExcel 365Wraps row/column values by rows after a specified countvector wrap_count pad_with
XLOOKUPExcel 365Looks up values in range or arraylookup_value lookup_array return_array if_not_found match_mode search_mode
XMATCHExcel 365Returns relative position of an item in an arraylookup_value lookup_array match_mode search_mode
ABSExcel 2003Returns the absolute value of a numbernumber
AGGREGATEExcel 2010Applies functions to lists or databases, ignoring errors and hidden rowsfunction_num options ref1 ref2 ...
BASEExcel 2013Converts a number into a text representation with the given basenumber radix min_length
CEILINGExcel 2003Rounds a number up to the nearest multiple of significancenumber significance
CEILING.MATHExcel 2013Rounds a number up, to the nearest integer or multiple of significancenumber significance mode
EXPExcel 2003Returns e raised to the power of a given numbernumber
FLOORExcel 2003Rounds a number down, toward zeronumber significance
FLOOR.MATHExcel 2013Rounds a number down, to the nearest integer or multiple of significancenumber significance mode
LNExcel 2003Returns the natural logarithm of a numbernumber
LOGExcel 2003Returns the logarithm of a number to a specified basenumber base
LOG10Excel 2003Returns the base-10 logarithm of a numbernumber
MODExcel 2003Returns the remainder from divisionnumber divisor
POWERExcel 2003Raise a number to the power of another numbernumber power
PRODUCTExcel 2003Multiply all the numbers given as argumentsnumber1 number2 ...
QUOTIENTExcel 2003Return the integer portion of a divisionnumerator denominator
RANDExcel 2003Return a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1
RANDARRAYExcel 365Returns an array of random numbersrows columns min max integer
RANDBETWEENExcel 2007Return a random number between the numbers you specifybottom top
ROUNDExcel 2003Round a number to a specified number of digitsnumber num_digits
ROUNDDOWNExcel 2003Round a number down, toward zeronumber num_digits
ROUNDUPExcel 2003Rounds a number away from zeronumber num_digits
SEQUENCEExcel 365Generates a list or matrix of sequential numbersrows columns start step
SIGNExcel 2003Returns the sign of a numbernumber
SQRTExcel 2003Returns the square root of a numbernumber
SUBTOTALExcel 2003Returns a subtotal in a list or databasefunction_num ref1 ref2 ...
SUMExcel 2003Adds all the numbers in a range of cellsnumber1 number2 ...
SUMIFExcel 2003Adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteriarange criteria sum_range
SUMIFSExcel 2007Adds the cells in a range that meet multiple criteriasum_range criteria_range1 criteria1 criteria_range2, criteria2 ...
SUMPRODUCTExcel 2003Multiplies corresponding components in the given arrays, and returns the sum of those productsarray1 array2 ...
TRUNCExcel 2003Truncates a number to an integer by removing the fractional part of the numbernumber num_digits
ARRAYTOTEXTExcel 365Converts a range of values to an array of textsarray format
CLEANExcel 2003Removes all non-printable characters from texttext
CONCATExcel 2019Combines the text from multiple ranges and/or stringstext1 text2 ...
CONCATENATEExcel 2003Combines the text from multiple ranges and/or strings, but does not provide delimiter or IgnoreEmpty argumentstext1 text2 ...
EXACTExcel 2003Checks whether two text strings are exactly the sametext1 text2
FINDExcel 2003Finds one text value within another (case-sensitive)find_text within_text start_num
LEFTExcel 2003Returns the leftmost characters from a text stringtext num_chars
LENExcel 2003Returns the number of characters in a text stringtext
LOWERExcel 2003Converts all letters in a text string to lowercasetext
MIDExcel 2003Extracts a substring from a text string, starting at the position specified, for a given number of characterstext start_num num_chars
NUMBERVALUEExcel 2013Converts text that represents a number in a given locale into a numeric valuetext decimal_separator group_separator
PROPERExcel 2003Converts text to title case (first letter in each word capitalized)text
REPLACEExcel 2003Replaces part of a text string with a different text stringold_text start_num num_chars new_text
REPTExcel 2003Repeats text a given number of timestext number_times
RIGHTExcel 2003Extracts a given number of characters from the end of a text stringtext num_chars
SEARCHExcel 2003Finds one text value within another (not case-sensitive)find_text within_text start_num
SUBSTITUTEExcel 2003Replaces existing text with new text in a text stringtext old_text new_text instance_num
TEXTExcel 2003Formats a number and converts it to textvalue format_text
TEXTAFTERExcel 365Extracts text from a string after a specific delimitertext delimiter instance_num match_mode match_end if_not_found
TEXTBEFOREExcel 365Extracts text from a string before a specific delimitertext delimiter instance_num match_mode match_end if_not_found
TEXTJOINExcel 2019Joins two or more text strings into one stringdelimiter ignore_empty text1 text2 ...
TEXTSPLITExcel 365Splits text into multiple rows or columns based on a delimitertext col_delimiter row_delimiter ignore_empty match_mode pad_with
TRIMExcel 2003Removes all spaces from text except for single spaces between wordstext
UNICHARExcel 2013Returns the Unicode character that is referenced by the given numeric valuenumber
UNICODEExcel 2013Returns the Unicode code point of the first character of the texttext
UPPERExcel 2003Converts all letters in a text string to uppercasetext
VALUEExcel 2003Converts a text string that represents a number to a numbertext
VALUETOTEXTExcel 365Converts a value to text formatvalue format
AVERAGEExcel 2003Calculates the average of the numbers providednumber1 number2 ...
AVERAGEIFExcel 2007Calculates the average of numbers based on a criteriarange criteria average_range
AVERAGEIFSExcel 2007Calculates the average of numbers with multiple criteriaaverage_range range1 criteria1 range2 criteria2 ...
COUNTExcel 2003Counts the number of cells that contain numbersvalue1 value2 ...
COUNTAExcel 2003Counts the number of cells that are not emptyvalue1 value2 ...
COUNTBLANKExcel 2003Counts the number of empty cells in a specified rangerange
COUNTIFExcel 2003Counts the number of cells within a range that meet a single conditionrange criteria
COUNTIFSExcel 2007Counts the number of cells within a range that meet multiple criteriarange1 criteria1 range2 criteria2 ...
FREQUENCYExcel 2003Calculates the frequency distribution of a datasetdata_array bins_array
MAXExcel 2003Returns the largest number in a set of valuesnumber1 number2 ...
MAXIFSExcel 2019Returns the maximum value among cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteriamax_range range1 criteria1 range2 criteria2 ...
MEDIANExcel 2003Finds the median of the given numbersnumber1 number2 ...
MINExcel 2003Returns the smallest number in a set of valuesnumber1 number2 ...
MINIFSExcel 2019Returns the minimum value among cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteriamin_range range1 criteria1 range2 criteria2 ...
MODEExcel 2003Returns the most frequently occurring number in a set of numbersnumber1 number2 ...
RANKExcel 2003Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbersnumber ref order
STDEVExcel 2003Estimates standard deviation based on a samplenumber1 number2 ...
STDEV.PExcel 2010Calculates standard deviation based on the entire populationnumber1 number2 ...
STDEV.SExcel 2010Calculates standard deviation based on a samplenumber1 number2 ...
VARExcel 2003Estimates variance based on a samplenumber1 number2 ...
VAR.PExcel 2010Calculates variance based on the entire populationnumber1 number2 ...
VAR.SExcel 2010Calculates variance based on a samplenumber1 number2 ...
ERROR.TYPEExcel 2003Returns a number corresponding to an error typeerror_val
ISBLANKExcel 2003Checks whether a cell is emptyvalue
ISERRExcel 2003Checks for an error value except #N/Avalue
ISERRORExcel 2003Checks for any error valuevalue
ISFORMULAExcel 2013Checks if a cell contains a formulareference
ISLOGICALExcel 2003Checks whether a value is a logical value (TRUE or FALSE)value
ISNAExcel 2003Checks whether a value is the #N/A errorvalue
ISNUMBERExcel 2003Checks whether a value is a numbervalue
ISOMITTEDExcel 365Checks if a LAMBDA argument is missingargument
ISREFExcel 2003Checks whether a value is a referencevalue
ISTEXTExcel 2003Checks whether a value is textvalue
NAExcel 2003Returns the #N/A error
BYCOLExcel 365Executes a LAMBDA for each column in an arrayarray lambda
BYROWExcel 365Applies a LAMBDA to each row in an arrayarray lambda
LAMBDAExcel 365Enables creation of custom, named functionsparameter1 parameter2 ... calculation
LETExcel 365Assigns names to intermediate calculation results for clarity and reusename1 value1 calculation_or_name2 value2 calculation_or_name3 ...
MAKEARRAYExcel 365Generates an array by applying a LAMBDA to each row and column indexrows cols lambda
MAPExcel 365Applies a LAMBDA to each value in an arrayarray1 array2 ... lambda
PYExcel 365Executes Python code, returning results as Python objects or Excel valuespython_code return_type
REDUCEExcel 365Applies a LAMBDA to each array value, accumulating and returning a total resultinitial_value array lambda
SCANExcel 365Applies a LAMBDA to each array element, returning an array of intermediate resultsinitial_value array lambda